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Centa Co day centre
Adult learning disability support
Strong focus on engaging activities
Digital inclusion a key focus
First three assessment sessions free of charge
Extensive experience of supporting autistic individuals
Located in the centre of Chatham
Established in 2009
Medway Council contracted since 2015 (Supplier no. 03605500)
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Welcome to the website of Centa Co, our organisation that provides support for adults with autism or a learning disability. Centa Co is very experienced in supporting autistic individuals. Clients are supported by a family member every day which means that clients are always with a support worker whom they know well and who is dedicated and motivated. Clients are never supported by a person that they have only just met on the day, a common and disconcerting situation for many clients. Clients are also in settled groups so they get to know their peers very well and this provides stability as well as promoting friendship building. Anybody 18 years of age or over with a moderate learning disability is welcome to join though personal care is not provided. We currently support 35 clients, from 18 to 65 years of age. About a half of our clients have autistic traits.
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